We want to bring to your attention a potential scam using our trademarked logo and a domain name that closely resembles ours. Please be aware that ComboaApp does not recruit for app testing or other jobs through social media.

If you encounter any messages or offers suggesting otherwise, please be wary and do not respond.






Who we are

We help businesses ideate, create and digitally market their products and services.

Mobile and digital solutions for your business

From desktop to mobile and wearables. From ideation to customer acquisition.

Who we are
Our Business

Our Business

We’re an end-to-end digital solutions agency that helps startups, mid-sized companies, and established enterprises make their mark in the competitive mobile and digital marketplace.

Our Experience

With over 800 projects to our name, ComboApp provides clients with industry-leading services across marketing, strategy, design, development, and more.

Our Experience
Our Team

Our Team

We’re a tight-knit team of highly skilled marketers, product managers, designers, and developers working with industry leaders to create innovative digital product solutions.