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OfficeSuite, the most downloaded office app on Google Play, is a mobile app for reliably editing any type of office document or attachment. ComboApp was chosen to support the launch of the iOS version of OfficeSuite Pro 8 in order to boost media coverage and drive downloads within the first week of release for key international markets.


ComboApp delivered a multifaceted approach, including the creation of a promotional video highlighting the app’s features and benefits, defining an App Store Optimization strategy, and developing effective campaign creatives.

We drove brand awareness by engaging high profile digital media outlets to secure app reviews, conducted thorough influencer research and outreach, and provided robust analytics support.

Marketing for OfficeSuite Pro 8 app


User Acquisition for OfficeSuite app

ComboApp’s efforts paid off with extensive media coverage reaching over 900k readers. We increased user reviews in App Stores across all markets, propelling OfficeSuite to the top position in the App Store. OfficeSuite also received the prestigious Editor’s Choice award on Google Play and the Lifehacker award for Best Android office app.