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Android App Developer? Benefit From Facebook App Install Ads!

3min read

Android App Developer? Benefit From Facebook App Install Ads!

Business Insider has recently shared amazing data on app-install ad market`s growth: according to BI Intelligence study, US mobile app install advertising revenue will reach $4.6 billion this year and grow to $6.8 billion by the end of 2019.

App install ads, which accounted for about 30% of mobile ad revenue last year, gains popularity among all kind of app developers. With its 700 million daily users on mobile, Facebook proved to be an efficient app install ad platform with great targeting options and helpful analytic tools.

Whether your Android app is a niche local online store, or wide-audience social network, Facebook app install ads (FAIA) can provide you with app installs, valuable usage data and user engagement. FAIA will genuinely convert social media traffic into app downloads by showing app`s ads in user newsfeed. In this article, we take a closer look at FAIA benefits for Android app developers.

1. Be as specific as you need with targeting

Everyone knows that Facebook owns the most comprehensive user data, which provides a new level of efficiency into targeting. Apart from standard (yet very accurate) targeting, like location, age, gender, Facebook collects information on user`s phone type, activities, installed apps, visited websites, social connections. FAIA has a unique targeting feature, called Lookalike Audiences, used for finding users with same parameters as your existing audience.

2. Control each step of your ad campaign

Facebook Ads dashboard provides you great visibility of ad campaign metrics and makes it possible to evaluate each funnel step even on the small budget level. There are several helpful metrics, apart from CPI: “Reach” (number of people who actually saw the ad, helps customize ad targeting), “CTR” (shows the efficiency of each ad type), “Frequency” (how often ad is shown to same user, 1-1.5 is a norm).

3. Find the best performing ad for your app

It`s always a good idea to test different creatives and copy when launching app install ad campaign – the difference in CTR can be as high as 20-40%. Facebook ads platform let advertisers segment their target audience and show specific ad for each segment, to find the best performing ad for each audience segment, like male-female or age groups.

4. Use advanced in-app activity analytics

Once FAIA generates an install, all user behavior inside your app can be traced back to a specific ad. Such insight, called App Events, is a part of Facebook SDK for Android and it’s incredibly valuable for understanding retention and lifetime value of each user. You’ll be able to find out data like average time between install and conversion and what kind of users makes more purchases.

5. Consider App Engagement instead of Push Notifications

If you want to retain existing users in a more delicate manner than sending them push notifications, FAIA has a great tool to do this. With Engagement ad format, you can show your ad for users who have installed your app, have joined your page or attending one of your events. Facebook also provide deep linking option, when you can choose the specific app area to send users to, which is ideal for engagement of existing users.

Although mobile app-install ads cost more than standard Facebook ad units, they pay off with great performance and high ROI metrics. If you need professional advice to launch your first Facebook app install ad, or you want to develop a full-stack app marketing strategy, contact ComboApp professionals.

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