



3 UA Megatrends For Small Developers And Brands In 2015

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3 UA Megatrends For Small Developers And Brands In 2015

According to Eric Seufert of Mobile Dev Memo, there are three megatrends to be shaping the mobile game landscape in 2015. In his presentation he outlined how developers can capitalize on these shifts in regards to UA and brand building.

What are these opportunities that smaller developers can capitalize on?

Big budget game developer companies are changing their strategy from offense to defense, with the possibility of buy up inventory ahead of big releases to keep marketing costs high for other companies and deter competition. This also plays into the increased importance in cross-promotion for big releases, like King used cross-promotional tactics in collaboration with Candy Crush Soda Saga to boost the user bases of its lesser-known titles.

Alternative UA channels are coming to encourage smaller developers to not try and compete directly with these big budgets and titles and instead exploit new UA channels like product ProductHunt, Pinterest, Instagram, Vine and PewDiePie.

Brand advertising comes to mobile. The final megatrend relates to an increase in app advertising by big brands and non-gaming apps. According to Seufert, this will lead to a sudden change in mobile ad formats, which were recently more influenced by games and had more game-oriented ad formats. Among the other trends growing throughout 2015, we can mention the consolidation of the mobile marketing industry and video becoming the next big channel for mobile marketing.

For more information on trends for mobile games developers, check out Eric’s full presentation on Slideshare.

Oles Dzyub, Branded Content Manager at ComboApp